Secrets of Aging and Longevity
What really causes aging, and what can we do about it? The mystery of aging is yet to be fully solved. There are many compelling theories on the subject of how and why we age.
Free Radicals and Their Effect on Healthy Aging
One theory is that aging can be the result of free radicals which cause damage to our cells. Free radicals are the toxic by-products of normal, day to day cellular breakdown. This creates a vicious cycle in which free radicals cause damage to cells, which in turn produces more free radicals. This unavoidable side-effect of cell production leads to cell death, the result of which are the signs of aging.
Free radical damage can also be caused by certain foods such as highly processed and refined foods, processed meats, red meat and alcohol. As such, these should be avoided or consumed in moderation. There are foods, however, that can help offset and fight free radical damage, known as antioxidants. Antioxidants can be found in berries, citrus, dark leafy greens and even dark chocolate! Be sure to include these as part of your healthy aging diet. Â Studies are still ongoing as to exactly how and why we age. However, we do know that the food we eat can have a great impact on our longevity by either promoting or fighting free radical damage.
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The Effect of Environmental and Physical Stressors on Aging
Stressors, both environmental and physical, can impact our healthy aging process and longevity. Studies have shown that stress can have negative effects on our longevity. Both environmental as well as our lifestyle choices can impact stress levels in the body. Environmental stressors can come from heavy metals from polluted water, EMFs, chemicals in everyday products, alcohol, cigarettes. All of these stressors contribute to the production of cortisol. More cortisol equals more stress. Â Â
People who suffer from chronic stress, depression, anxiety, trauma, and social isolation have similar damage in common at the cellular level. Studies show that stress shortens the length of a part of cells called telomeres. Shortened telomeres are a leading cause of cellular death and aging. The good news is we have some control over how we deal with these environmental and physical stressors. To reduce physical stress in your daily life, you can try meditation and deep breathing. Meditation makes a world of difference and doesn’t have to be intimidating! Take 5 to 10 minutes to center yourself before starting your day. There’re many apps available for free if you need help with guided meditations. Take deep breaths during stressful situations. Breathe in for 5 seconds, hold, breathe out for 5 seconds. To reduce environmental stress, try to limit your exposure to toxins. Avoiding toxic materials, such as using plastic for food storage, is an easy way to start reducing toxicity in the body. Instead, use glass storage containers or silicone bags. Reducing stress by reducing our physical and environmental toxic load can make a world of difference on how quickly we age.
Lifestyle Factors for a Long and Healthy Life
When it comes to healthy aging, we must first look at what we can do in our daily lives to extend our health and longevity well into our golden years! Living a healthy and stress-free lifestyle is the key to a long and happy life.  The challenge, should we choose to accept it, is committing ourselves to making changes! So what are some tools we can use to improve longevity and manage and eliminate stress, one day at a time?
Eating a healthy diet. Be sure to include fresh organic vegetables, whole grains, and nutrient-rich proteins in your diet. Eliminating sugar and processed foods is a must for anyone concerned with living long and well. Implementing an exercise routine is essential for our mental and physical wellness. Physical activity releases powerful stress-reducing endorphins in the brain – happy hormones!
Yoga is especially helpful, as it combines meditation with exercise, naturally relaxing the body and mind. Â Living a purposeful life is probably the most important thing we can do to extend our longevity. One thing centenarians all have in common? The feeling they have lived a life worth living Studies show that people who live with a greater sense of purpose experience better quality sleep which helps contribute to cellular regeneration!
A healthy nutrient dense diet, active and stress-free lifestyle and a sense of purpose are some of the keys in doing so.
Always remember that you can contribute to your body’s healthy aging and longevity by making lifestyle changes today.
Contact our clinic if you need help with establishing your anti- aging diet and lifestyle.
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